like most seminal thinkers, yoshitomo nara is the
type of artist who is so massively influential, that
his work seemingly infiltrates the common consciousness
seamlessly. two years ago, my friend p.c. rae asked
the all-about-town new yorker, to keep my eyes peeled for
nara prints + i thought,
"who?" a couple of t'internet
clicks later + my thoughts switched instantly,
"oooh!that guy!"with such a strong subcultural presence amid the art
and pop populous over ten-years strong, it is hard to believe
that nara's show at the asia society is
the first
major exhibition of his art in new york. this collection
features an impressive variety of materials, ranging from
a hand-picked record sleeve selection, sculptures, ceramics,
drawings, paintings, + installations. the only art i have
in my house is my own, but i was happy to change that with
this "pyromaniac day and pyromaniac dead of night" print.
nara's impudent version of kimo kawaii (japanese for
"creepy - cute"), romance with rock 'n roll, + get-up + go
aesthetic, make this show a must see for this generation
of outsiders, whose ipod is their music scene, or anyone who
can relate to the recent societal rifts with the evolving
definitions of emerging adulthood.
asia society museum725 park avenue (at 70th street)
up until january 2, 2011