modern experiments in urban camouflague

modern experiments in urban camouflage:


beauty school daze: model citizens

this has happened a couple of times. i scramble to find a model
for a really simple haircut assignment (which is a hard sell in
these non-winter/winter times) & then i reach out to an old
friend at the last minute, who i'm sure will not be available
because they're busy bees, but then they instantly say yes!

check it out! mindy was my one-length model & i finished
without poking her in the eye with my shears. victory!


& today i gave yz a soft a-line bob without stabbing her
in the neck. also, a massive career accomplishment.




beauty school day #215: prince gets a perm

i love curls, i love perms & i'm sad that people are afraid
of them. they get a bad-rap because they're pretty high on
the risk scale in terms of compromising the integrity of the
hair. but as I troll the nyc streets for bob models, what do
i hear? nobody wants a classic bob, they want mermaid hair,
a.k.a. long, curly hair. perms are back, only they're not
calling the services perms, they're calling them texture.


i was thinking something brian may-meets-lindsay lohan - circa
2007 miu miu campaign, because i like those triangular silhouettes.






beauty school day #213: the natives

we were instructed to design an updo in honor of
thanksgiving. we all ended up tribal, attracted to the
ornamental & brightly-lit possibilities. can you guess
which one is mine?


i was running on fumes, wasn't inspired. somehow i ended up
making something aquatic: "octopus-meets-jem wig-on-wig action,"
in which i managed to make artificial hair look like the natural
hair & the natural hair look like artificial hair. i like this
idea of giant-squid-hair, in which the 'do looks like it is
attacking the rest of the body.





beauty school day #211: pvn makeover

my beauty school mannequin prince valentino nonsalon was fried
after all of the recent lowlights, highlights, speed-foils
partial & single process color assignments. yesterday we were
instructed to conduct a makeover. his current cut was a 90-degree
round layer state board shape gone awry + his color was a variety
of copper shades.



i originally planned to execute a simple a-line bob, but it
somehow turned into a much more complicated cut with soft
graduation. i wanted to maintain warmth but eliminate most
of the orange that dominated his color. i went to a darker
golden brown neutral mix that kept warmth, but made the red
an after-thought more than a headliner.

